
NEW YORK PARTNERS|株式会社マグリット|MAGRITTE|岡山のおしゃれなレストランでランチやディナー、貸切パーティ・宴会・イベント行事に

株式会社マグリット | MAGRITTE | 宴会&イベント・ランチ・ディナー・ウェディング・フォトスタジオ・コンサルティング事業|日本のおもてなし文化とNYのパーティー文化を融合させた宴会体験。結婚式にも利用されるレストランで、おしゃれなランチや、ディナーを。お誕生日や記念日のお祝い、岡山市内の飲み会、観光にもってこいなイベントも毎月開催


マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Marcy Blum

Marcy Blum


Marcy Blum, selected as a top wedding planner in New York in 1997, has been active as a forerunner of the wedding planning industry in New York. Her customer list includes many celebrities such as Michael J. Fox, members of the Rockefeller financial group, Billy Joel, Kevin Bacon, and Colin Hanks (the son of Tom Hanks), and so on. While known as a revolutionary leader in the wedding industry and having worked played on a global stage as a wedding planner, she has been leading the industry as a leader and as a businessperson. We invited Marcy to THE MAGRITTE in 1998, 1999, and 2015.
She was kind enough to direct transmit her expertise to us, and this has had a big impact on our way of planning weddings at THE MAGRITTE presently, especially her way of progressing the wedding and shifting smoothly from a touching moving wedding ceremony to a party with a lot of smiles. We have been making the most of what we have learnt from her.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Renny Reynolds

Renny Reynolds

彼は2001年1月に来日し、彼の大胆な空間コーディネートから、私たちはとても多くのものを学びました。ザ マグリットで使用している、人の上半身ほどもある大きなガラスの花瓶、木に吊るす金魚鉢のような花瓶、いずれもレニーがデザインしたものです。照明では、ピンクのライトを使うことで、やわらかくリラックスした雰囲気を創り出せるのですが、これもレニーから学んだことです。マグリットの独特な空間は、レニーのパーティーセンスにインスパイアされています。

Renny Reynolds is a party designer and a florist who has not only produced dinners and parties for President Regan and President Clinton, among others, as an exclusive party planner of The White House but has also created many inventive parties at the New York Public Library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the courtyard of the MoMA, and so on.
He came to Japan in January 2001, and we learned so much from his provocative spatial design. The glass flower vase as tall as human’s upper body and as well as the one that looks like a fishbowl hanging from a tree branch at THE MAGRITTE were designed by him. In lighting, Renny advised us to use pink light to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Our unique sense of spatial design has been greatly inspired by his party designing skills.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Thomas Noel

Thomas Noel


Thomas Noel is a rising wedding planner who created a wedding for Sarah Jessica Parker, the main character in Sex and the City, a party for Calvin Klein, and the 150th memorial ceremony for the American Express Company. He came to THE MAGRITTE in January in 2006 and demonstrated to us how he produces weddings. One of the performances he planned for us was eight violinists three meters apart playing in unison surrounding the venue; another was putting two tables together and placing flowers in between while lighting them up from below. He shared various ideas with us.
We have cherished his ideas, such as, “Be a great host for guests”, “You do not have to force yourself to liven up the party”, and “Gradually increase your energy level.”

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Michelle Rago

Michelle Rago

「マーサ・スチュワート・ウエディング」や、「インスタイル・ウエディング」などの雑誌でも話題になったニューヨーク在住のウエディングプランナー。ハイエンドなパーティーを手掛ける一方で、限られた予算の中でいかにクリエイティブなウエディングを生み出すかを信条とし、低コストで最高のパフォーマンスを発揮するアイデアやテクニック、プランニングノウハウを大切にしています。2010年7月の来日では、東京と金沢でセミナーを開催するとともに、金沢では日本の平均婚礼価格をベースにしたミシェル流の体験型挙式&披露宴をプロデュースし、参加者に大きな刺激を提供しました。現在もニューヨークに拠点を置き、「Michelle Rago Destinations」のオーナープランナーとして、精力的に活動している。

Michelle Rago is a wedding planner in New York. She has appeared in the magazines such as Martha Stewart Wedding, InStyle, and others, and has become a hot topic of conversation. While she creates high-end parties, her creed is being creative within a limited budget, placing high value on ideas, techniques, and planning to create the best performance for a low cost. When she came to Japan in July 2007, she held a seminar in Tokyo and Kanagawa where she produced a hands-on wedding ceremony and reception based on the Japanese average wedding cost, which greatly inspired participants. Now based in New York, she has been working tirelessly as the owner and a planner at Michelle Rago Destinations.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Lewis Miller

Lewis Miller

現在彼は、アーバンジャングルと言われ、ビルと騒音とストレスに溢れたニューヨークを、花で飾り、人の心に潤いを届けたいという想いで「FLOWER FLASH」という取り組みを続けています。今やニューヨーカーが心待ちにするほど、社会からも注目される風物詩となっています。

Lewis Miller is a floral designer based in East Village, Manhattan. He produces various kinds of events and arranges flowers for hotels, stores, and weddings. He is also known as a person who has changed flower arranging in the city. His flower arrangements are gorgeous and elegant. With his way of expressing a piece of a painting with flowers, his work has been gaining popularity and has won the great admiration for his technique of showing each flower’s its own uniqueness.
We invited him to Japan in 2013 and had him renovate a facility in Kanazawa to create a comfortable, beautiful, and playful space for all guests. He has displayed his great talent in this event beyond the borders. He has been working on a project called “FLOWER FLASH”, in which he decorates New York, known as an “Urban Jungle” overflowing with lots of buildings, noise, and stress, with flowers to enrich people’s hearts. Now, New Yorkers are looking forward to his work and for it to become one of the characteristics of New York, getting a lot of attention from the society.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS David Beahm

David Beahm

David Beahmは、アメリカのトップイベント会社の一つである「David Beahm Experience」

David Beahm is a founder and CEO of David Beahm Experiences, one of the top event management companies in the U.S. His dream-like “worlds” and luxurious flower designs attract so many celebrities, socialites, people in the fashion industry, and owners of the top 500 companies in the Fortune Magazine. In particular, the wedding of Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas, which David managed, was featured by magazines as well as on TV all over the world and won the admiration as one of the most beautiful weddings in remembered by history.
David came to THE MAGRITTE in January 2016 and held a seminar for people working in the wedding industry in Tokyo and Okayama. In his seminar, he shared his cutting-edge knowledge on how he expanded his business in the competitive U.S. market, improving his creativity at the same time, and talked about the role of the flowers in spacious areas at the venues with detailed case studies. He has been travelling around the world and becoming involved in producing state-of-the-art events.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Rebecca Gardner

Rebecca Gardner

Rebecca Gardnerは、サバンナ、ジョージア、およびニューヨークの総合イベント&ウエディングデザイン企業「House&Parties」の創設者兼クリエイティブデザイナーです。彼女はファッション、芸術、エンターテイメント、そして非営利的な業界にフォーカスした民間企業や、公共機関に所属する第一線のトレンドメーカーたちとコラボレーションしてきました。「House&Parties」は、「Town&Country」、「Architectual Digest」でも特集され、過去2度、VOGUEのベストウエディングプランナーの一人に選ばれました。
彼女は2016年3月に来日し、東京の北青山で開催した「マグリット東京」のローンチパーティーをプロデュースしました。テーマを「1920年代 禁酒法時代のニューヨーク」に設定した会場は、驚きに溢れ、風変わりな秘密の遊びが詰まった潜り酒場風のラウンジにゲストを誘い、光り輝く夜会にタイムスリップさせました。貪欲なまでにディーテイルに拘るプロフェッショナルな仕事ぶりと、少女のような屈託のない笑顔が今も思い出に残っています。

Rebecca Gardner is the founder and creative director of events at Houses & Parties, based in Savannah, Georgia and New York City. She has collaborated with leading trend makers in public and private sectors focusing on fashion, art, entertainment, and non-profit industries. House&Parties was featured in the magazines Town&Country and Architectural Digest, and Rebecca was selected as one of the best wedding planners in VOGUE twice in the past. She came to Japan in March 2016 and we had her produce the launch party for THE Magritte Tokyo. The venue was full of surprises: it was set up in the theme of the prohibition of the 1920's. Guests were invited to the speakeasy-like lounge with quirky secretive games, and they were transported back in time to enjoy a glittering evening party. Her dedication to precision as a professional and her innocent smile like a girl isn’t forgotten.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Matthew Robbins

Matthew Robbins

Matthew Robbinsは、ニューヨークに拠点を置くイベントデザイン・プランニング事務所「Matthew Robbins Design」の経営者で、世界中のイベントをプランニングしています。彼は、「Martha Stewart Wedding Magazine」など、数多くの雑誌への寄稿や自身の本出版も行い、日本の大型書店でも販売されています。ウエディングやイベントについて多くの国際会議での講演も行っており、中国、グアテマラ、ドイツなど世界から注目されています。

Matthew Robbins is the owner of an event design and planning firm in New York, Matthew Robbins Design, and does planning for events worldwide. He contributes articles to Martha Stewart Wedding magazine and also publishes his own books that are sold at large book stores, even in Japan. He gives many lectures on weddings and events at international conferences and draws a lot of attention from China, the Republic of Guatemala, and Germany. We visited his firm in 2015 and thanks to his shy character more than Japanese people and sincerity his royalty, we got along right away and started working together on a project. He held a seminar in May of the following year, 2016; and in November in the same year in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, he demonstrated a mock-up wedding and introduced his latest wedding style to Japanese wedding industry insiders. He is based in New York and is working as a top-tier, world-renowned wedding planner.

マグリット NEW YORK PARTNERS Tommy Tomita & Kimiko Matsuo

Tommy Tomita
Kimiko Matsuo


松尾公子さんは、20年近くハーレム在住。Harlem Global Touring Inc.代表として、日本とハーレムの交流を様々な形でアシスト。日本のTV、雑誌、NYガイド本などのコーディネイト、コラム執筆、芸能人、ファッション関係者etc.......のニューヨークコーディネイトを多数手掛ける。2019年世界初、アポロアマチュアナイト正式ライセンス取得。吉本興業がアジア全域で展開する『アポロアマチュアナイトJAPAN』『アポロアマチュアナイト・アジア』のプロジェクトコーディネーターとして活躍中。彼女のハーレムツアーのマシンガントークを是非体験して欲しい。

Tommy Tomita is the most famous Japanese person who had lived in Harlem for forty years.
When Mr. Habara, CEO of THE MAGRITTE, was studying abroad in New York in his younger years, he and Mr. Tomita were classmates at a language school. Even after Mr. Habara returned to Japan, Mr. Tomita helped him organize gospel singers from Harlem for a real entertainment, as well as supporting him on planning the New York tours for people involved in weddings.
Unfortunately, Mr. Tomita passed away due to illness in 2020. However, his partner Ms. Kimiko Matsuo, who has been assisting our business with him, sends us the latest information on New York as a go-between.

Kimiko has lived in Harlem for almost twenty years and has been assisting cultural exchange between Harlem and Japan as a representative of Harlem Global Touring Inc. She coordinates with Japanese TV, magazines, and guidebooks on New York as well as being a travel coordinator for columnists, entertainers, and people related to the fashion industry who are visiting New York. In 2019, she obtained the world’s first official license for Apollo Amateur Night. She is currently working as a project coordinator for “Apollo Amateur Night Japan” and “Apollo Amateur Night Asia”, which is being developed by Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. throughout Asia. We highly recommend that you to join her Harlem tour and enjoy her nonstop stories.



